Fesh Fash Snack Food Production Company was established as a joint liability company on 22/06/1401 AH corresponding to 26/04/1981 AD and transformed into a limited liability company then into a closed joint stock, and then Joint Stock Company and listed in 2020

Fesh Fash snack food factory owns production lines for food snacks :

Corn puffs production lines (Fish Fash, Cooorah, and Mini Cooorah)
Natural potato chips production lines (Zizo, Fish Fash Chips, and Mini Sticks)
Potato pellets production lines (Garameesh)

Our vision

Fesh fash snack food factory to be one of the pioneers in manufacturing snack food products in the region

Our Strengths

Fesh Fash snack food factory is the first local brand in the Saudi market producing corn curls, natural potato chips, and pellets, with nearly forty years of experience

Our Message

Production and marketing of snack food products suitable for all ages and genders in the middle east region, using the latest in food processing technology

Our Objectives

Presenting all that is new in the world of snacks food to suit all tastes of all ages
