Al Andalus Glass Company is one of 12 other companies belong to Al Andalus Holding Company. Al Andalus Glass Company was founded in 1997 in the 2ndIndustrial Area and since that time the journey of Glass started to draw an increasing line in the market. We have opened other Glass Factory specialized in Frameless glass in the 1stIndustrial Area in 1999. In 2017, mega renovation has been made in the company from all aspects; management, machinery, buildings, manpower and trading Glass division was added. Thanks to this brilliant vision, Al Andalus Glass Company is one of the leaders in Glass processing and trading market now.


According to our ambitious vision, Al Andalus Glass Company didn’t hesitate to heavily invest in glass sector wither in machineries or human capital

Provide all types of architectural glass within world standards using latest technologies and best hands. Also, as a trader, maintaining excellent chain for supplying Stock sheets with most competitive prices to keep our partners work flow smooth as possible. We are Opening new channels in the market and expanding the service to cover more segments alongside bringing new innovative products to the glass field.


– We have partners, no clients and suppliers.
– We don’t compromise our credibility.
– We honor our commitments.
