Who we are

Our website address is http://ksa-product.com.


Privacy Policy، Terms and Conditions:


The data to be collected on this site is based on the purpose of using it to provide information and data to local consumers and contribute to the export of national products to foreign markets.
The following are examples of the data we collect:
⁃ The name and address of the factory.
⁃ Factory products.
⁃ Contact information and social media accounts for the factory.



⁃ (ksa-product.com) is committed to preserving the information and not using it for anything other than the purpose of the site.
⁃ The factory was briefed on the objectives of the site and agreed to register and display its data.
⁃ The information presented to the factory has been uploaded by the factory, and the responsibility for the correctness and accuracy of the data rests with the factory.
⁃ The subscription period is one calendar year, starting from the date of registration and payment of fees.
⁃ The factory does not have the right to demand that its data appear on the website after the end of its subscription period.
⁃ (ksa-product.com) is committed to continuous marketing to publicize and spread the site.
⁃ The website does not assume any responsibility for the increase or decrease in the factory’s sales. A website is only a tool for improving sales, visibility, and dissemination.
⁃ The factory undertakes not to publish anything that would prejudice the instructions of the Islamic religion, the systems of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, or the customs and traditions of society.


I have reviewed the terms and conditions and the privacy policy for the (ksa-product.com) website, and in my capacity as the owner of the authority and authorized by the factory to register on this site,
I agree to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.